Open to all teachers who use Skew The Script, our speaker series features math and data science leaders discussing innovative ideas - many of which can be incorporated into your classroom. Sign up for the sessions below!

Note: Sessions hosted on zoom. They will be recorded and posted on this page. Certificates of attendance provided to teachers who join live.

Speaker Series

Upcoming Sessions

Kevin McSorley (San Rafael HS)

Kevin McSorley, a Desmos guru and high school math teacher in California, will demonstrate advanced techniques for creating animations and simulations through Desmos's computation layer. Recommended for intermediate and advanced Desmos users. Followed by Q&A with teachers in attendance. Certificates of attendance provided to teachers who join.

Session date will be set soon. Check back here later for details and registration!

Past Sessions (Recordings)

UChicago Center for Spatial Data Sci

Julia Koschinsky and Nikhil Patel from the University of Chicago discussed the field of spatial data science and the techniques their team used to expand Skew The Script’s income sampling activity from San Antonio (original version) to a variety of cities across the U.S. (new version).

Session took place October 5, 2023

Kevin McSorley (San Rafael HS)

Kevin McSorley - high school math teacher and Desmos guru - walked through the key steps for using and modifying Desmos activities (including the Desmos activities from Skew The Script). He also covered key teacher moves enabled by the Desmos platform.

Session took place September 21, 2023

Dan Meyer - legendary math educator, TED presenter, and director of research at Desmos - spoke on using your tech (rather than letting tech use you). He discussed how technology often diminishes math classes and then looked at technology that empowers math learning instead. Session took place Sept 12, 2023.

Unfortunately, the recording file was corrupted due to a technical hiccup :(. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Dan Meyer (Desmos / Amplify)

Sharon Hessney (NY Times / ASA)

Sharon Hessney, editor of the New York Times / American Statistical Association regular feature “What’s Going On In This Graph?”, demonstrated how teachers can use New York Times graphs (free of charge) to teach data literacy.

Session took place July 11, 2023

Bryan Woolley (NY Mets)

Bryan Woolley, a data scientist for the New York Mets baseball team, discussed statistical methods in sports and shared career advice for students looking to go into sports analytics. The session also shared resources for bringing sports examples to high school statistics classrooms.

Session took place May 18, 2023

Professor Steve Levitt (Freakonomics)

Steve Levitt, economist at the University of Chicago and author of Freakonomics, discusses using real-life data in teaching quantitative courses. He also shares about his efforts to promote more data science in K12 math pathways through Data Science 4 Everyone.

Session took place March 23, 2023