
This Unit’s Key Question: Can money buy happiness?

Day 1: Intro to Logarithms

Lesson Key Question: How did Warren Buffett get so rich?

Content: Defining Logs | Exponent, Base, Argument | Solving Simple Exponentials

Day 2: Common and Natural Logarithms

Lesson Key Question: Does Buffett do better than the market?

Content: Natural Log (ln) | Common Log (base 10) | Solving Simple Exponentials

Day 3: Properties of Logarithms

Lesson Key Question: Why does Buffett recommend investing in index funds?

Content: Product Property | Quotient Property | Power Property | Change of Base

Day 4: Bigger Exponential & Log Equations

Technique Lesson: Skill-building lesson (no key contextual question)

Content: Compressing Exponentials & Logs | Solving Complex Exponentials & Logs

Day 5: Log as an Inverse Function

Lesson Key Question: What is the relationship between wealth and happiness?

Content: Inverting Exponential Functions | Graphing Log Functions | Describing Log Functions

Day 6: Transforming Log Functions

Lesson Key Question: Can money buy happiness?

Content: Transforming Log Functions | Stretches, Translations, & Reflections