Exponential Functions

This Unit’s Key Question: How can you become a millionaire?

Day 1: Exponential Growth & Decay

Lesson Key Question: Is stardom the best way to become a millionaire?

Content: Exponential Functions | Exponential Growth | Exponential Decay

Day 2: Percent Rates

Lesson Key Question: To become a millionaire, should you go to college?

Content: Percent Growth | Principal | Interest

Day 3: Compound Interest

Lesson Key Question: To become a millionaire, should you invest in stocks?

Content: Compound Interest Formula | Rates of Compounding

Day 4: Natural Exponential Functions

Lesson Key Question: How do millionaires invest, while minimizing their risk?

Content: Continuous Compounding | Euler’s Number (e) | Natural Exponential Function

Day 5: Transformations

Lesson Key Question: How old will you be when you become a millionaire?

Content: Transforming Exponential Functions | Stretches, Translations, Reflections