Rational Functions

This Unit’s Key Question: Why can’t some people afford healthcare?

Day 1: Inversely Proportional Relationships

Lesson Key Question: Why can’t some people afford their medication?

Content: Directly Proportional | Inversely Proportional | Constant Products & Quotients

Day 2: Describe & Transform Rational Functions

Lesson Key Question: Why are so many Americans uninsured?

Content: Graphing Rational Functions | Asymptotes | Domain & Range | Transformations

Day 3: Holes & Asymptotes

Lesson Key Question: How could companies help reduce the financial burden of health insurance?

Content: Vertical Asymptotes | Horizontal Asymptotes | Slant Asymptotes | Holes

Day 4: Adding & Subtracting Rationals

Technique Lesson: Skill-building lesson (no key contextual question)

Content: Common Denominators | Adding & Subtracting Rational Expressions

Day 5: Multiplying & Dividing Rationals

Lesson Key Question: Why do so many young people not have insurance?

Content: Factoring Rational Expressions | Multiplying & Dividing Rational Expressions

Day 6: Solving Rational Equations

Lesson Key Question: Why don’t more young people have healthcare? (Pt 2)

Content: Solving Rational Equations | Cross Multiplication | Extraneous Solutions