Geometric Sequences & Exponential Functions

This Unit’s Key Question: How can you become an ✨influencer✨?

Day 1: Geometric Sequences (Recursive)

Lesson Key Question: How does content go viral?

Content: Geometric Sequences | Common Ratio | Recursive Notation

Day 2: Geometric Sequences (Explicit)

Lesson Key Question: What sharing rate is needed to go viral?

Content: Geometric Sequences | Explicit Formula | Exponential Growth

Day 3: Properties of Exponents

Technique Lesson: Skill-building lesson (no key contextual question)

Content: Properties of Exponents | Simplifying Exponential Expressions

Day 4: Exponential Growth

Lesson Key Question: How hard is it go viral?

Content: Exponential Growth Functions | Start Value & Growth Rate | Asymptotes

Day 5: Exponential Decay & Solving

Lesson Key Question: How hard is it to “stay” viral?

Content: Exponential Decay | Solving Exponential Equations by Graphing

Day 6: Growth and Decay Rates

Lesson Key Question: Who benefits the most from the influencer economy?

Content: Percent Growth | Percent Decay